Sunday, August 31, 2008

Meet Pippen (aka "Nippy")

I'm not sure exactly how this happened but we have suddenly become the proud owners of another cat. I think it had something to do with wanting Lucky to have a fellow feline buddy. But it's also partly because the Joliet Animal Shelter is right next to Annie's soccer practice field, and the boys and I wandered in "just to have a look" while Annie was at soccer practice. But anyway, our newest pet is a four month old black-and-white kitten whose name is alternately "Pippen" (the name Mark, Annie, and I like) or "Nippy" (the name the boys prefer.) She's cute and spunky, and unfortunately brought some fleas along with her -- something we didn't realize until we took her to the vet two days after we adopted her. *sigh*

But she's now flea-free (as is our home --hopefully!) and we've been enjoying watching her and Lucky interact. So far Lucky's reaction can be deduced from the picture below:

After the first few days of hissing at this interloper, Lucky has now decided to merely look huffy and aggrieved. Pippen so far hasn't gotten the hint, and keeps trying to play with her. It should be an interesting relationship to watch!

School began for all five of us this past week, so our blogging has dropped off. We will try to keep up with it, but forgive us if we slacken off the pace somewhat!


Ben Simo said...

You sure it wasn't the kittens in De Smet that led to taking home Pippen? ;)

Lorrie and Fred said...

It sure doesn't look like Lucky is eager to share her family and personal space! Good luck Pippen!

our little brown life said...

Good post Cathy! I was afraid you'd let the blogging go with the school year BUT now I look forward to your writings, even if it's about cats...somehow I know I'll enjoy reading despite my lack of compassion for house pets.
Love ya!

our little brown life said...

For the record, I like the name "Pippen" better than "Nippy".
Just giving my 2 cents.
I'm a little Tolkien biased.

Catherine Berg said...

HI Cathy,
How exciting that you got a new kitten! That is so nice for the kids. I have such wonderful memories of our crazy cats growing up. Unfortunateley, Tom has a cat phobia, and I dont think our children will ever own a cat. (Please dont like Tom any less for this fact about him)
I hope the beginning of school is going well for you all. We miss you!!!
Oh yes, you had asked if it getting chilly here and the answer is YES, Autumn is coming quickly. It makes me so sad. I love the Fall so much, but it is just too short here. We have to really enjoy every weekend before it is over. What has the weather been for you guys?
How I wish we could get to Chicago soon. One day we will get there......
Love to all, Cath